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单词 in contrast 例句大全,用单词in contrast造句:

The authors noted that the rapid response to morphine was in contrast to the absence of any effect of placebo.
研究者还提到缓释吗啡见效很快, 而安慰剂却没有任何作用。
In contrast the first floor accomodates the management space, with a small internal patio and terrace inbetween them.
地面层有管理用房, 其中有小型内部庭院和阳台。
In contrast, accounting done well helps a company prosper.
In contrast, smooth muscle cells were more active in the PZ than in the TZ.
fine grain contrast aerial photopaper
In contrast, aerobic exercise can reduce the concentration of triglyceride in blood.
In contrast, in the West, misconduct of a scholar is a personal affair.
In contrast, girls did not seem to care after being affected by his father.
Data collected by the Japanese government in 1993 shows that only 2304 of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting their aged parents, in contrast to 63% of young Americans.
In contrast the U.S. aggressor troops are afraid of death, and their officers are rather rigid, not very flexible.
而美国侵略军却怕死, 他们的军官也比较呆板, 不那么灵活。
In contrast, only a small proportion of business schools seem to agree that this is the case.
然而, 仅仅有一小部分商业学校同意这个观点。
Cargo aircraft, in contrast, might be easier to reschedule, as might routine military flights.
Yahoo, in contrast, does allow reader comments on their official blogs.
对比雅虎, 它允许读者在它的官方博客上留言。
In contrast, undifferentiated carcinomas rarely exhibit structurally altered tumor suppressor genes.
In contrast, Americans tend to spend more than they have.
相反, 美国人倾向超前消费。
We British, in contrast, are a nation staggeringly ignorant of our anatomy.
与此相反, 我们英国人对人的生理结构极为无知。
In contrast to aplastic anemia, leukemia results in a highly cellular marrow.
与再生障碍性贫血不同, 白血病的结果是骨髓有大量细胞。
Application of venous catheter needle in contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography
In contrast, chilling significantly increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes, the content of malonaldehydeand carbohydrate.
低温导致抗氧化酶活性, 丙二醛和碳水化合物含量上调
My new apartment is a welcome change in contrast to my old one.
Services, in contrast, appear to be a graveyard for productivity.
In contrast, haemorrhoids appear not to be a risk factor for this malignancy.
Phase contrast principles in TEM and its applications in contrast improvement of polymers specimens
In contrast, leaders may either be appointed or emerge from within a group.
Satin and bright in contrast with metallic aspect.
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