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单词 be made up of 例句大全,用单词be made up of造句:

An aesthetic and nostalgic set would be made up of the warming bowl, the sake jug, and two scenting cups.
Sophie agreed to participate in the charity banquet, Yang redemption will be made up of the diamond brooch to the pupil.
柔答应参加慈善宴会, 更托言将杨赎回的钻石胸针交予瞳。
Be made up of be composed of consist of.
This chip appears to be made up of discrete platelets which have adhered to one another.
Base the limit of the communications it could be made up of unification control scheme and margin control.
根据通讯能力的限制, 又可分为统一控制和裕度控制两类。
A life worth living should be made up of continuous efforts and progresses.
For example, a table could be made up of cylinders for legs and a box for the top.
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单词 be made up of 释义



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