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单词 uncomfortable feeling 例句大全,用单词uncomfortable feeling造句:

Religiosity is a very uncomfortable feeling.
I have an uncomfortable feeling deep in my throat.
He has a bloated, uncomfortable feeling after meal.
I had the uncomfortable feeling that it was my fault.
Yet, Mom doesn't remember feeling uncomfortable in any of them.
Mr. Hope is feeling uncomfortable, so he presses the call button.
霍普先生感到不舒服, 所以他按了呼叫铃。
We came away with the uncomfortable feeling that we had not been welcome.
我们离开了, 心里很不好受, 觉得自己并不受欢迎。
I have an uncomfortable feeling that my freedom has been obtained under false pretences!
When it comes to being a diabetes celebrity, Gerald admits to feeling a bit uncomfortable.
当谈到作为一个糖尿病名人, 杰拉德坦承, 感觉有点不舒服。
Did not read the book today, as never brushed their teeth, should be feeling uncomfortable.
今天没有读过书, 就像没刷过牙一样, 应感到难受。
I've been feeling uncomfortable recently, I've been in a bad mood and have had poor health.
English conversation they said he did not understand, feeling very uncomfortable, we consider it inadequate.
人家说英语会话, 自己听不懂, 感觉很彆扭, 觉得不足。
The only downside she can point to is occasionally feeling uncomfortable about the exclusive aspect of the garden.
她能指出的唯一缺点是, 偶尔会对花园的排他性感到不自在。
Ingratiation is that you show you unction which would make other people feel uncomfortable and have defensive feeling.
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