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单词 escape from 例句大全,用单词escape from造句:

aid and abet the escape from lawful custody
Abscond is the act of going away without permission OR not returning to the court after being released on bail OR to escape from prison.
潜逃, 失踪。
In every battle, concentrate an absolutely superior force, encircle the enemy forces completely, strive to wipe them out thoroughly and do not let any escape from the net.
每战集中绝对优势兵力, 四面包围敌人, 力求全歼, 不使漏网。
An escape from prison violence by one or abundance prisoners.
Close call n. A narrow escape from danger or an accident
侥幸脱险, 死里逃生
On The Inevitability and Accidental of Liu Bang's Escape from the Surrounding
This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the Life Book in hell.
This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the life book in hell.
It is a shortcut to accomplishment and an easy escape from embarrassment.
Whoever takes a lead in organizing an attempt to escape from a prison or whoever takes an active part in the attempt
Rather than escape from reality, we must deal with stress actively.
For most of us, it is an escape from actuality.
He assisted a drug addict to escape from drug but failed firstly.
Her last adjuration to daughter was to escape from dinginess if she could.
As Jack seeks to escape from his poverty, Alana constantly oppresses him into the world of posh which Jack could not afford.
I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.
Escape from fee and empty account phenomenon aggravate the difficulty of the pension insurance further.
He is trying to back out of his bargain, escape from the agreement.
他正在设法中止合同, 背弃协议。
Allen shouted angrily, trying to escape from Kandas hold.
亚连生气地叫道, 试图从神田的束缚中挣脱。
But because it's an escape from the human anthill.
For me, it was an escape from the pressure and anxiety of entering society, says Ma.
It is hard for anyone to escape from the ravages of time.
Anyway, it looks like we had a lucky escape from being arrested.
He approved of massive government spending to help an economy escape from recession when monetary policy can do no more.
There was no escape from the judgments of the kings arena.
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单词 escape from 释义

  • 单词释义:逃避;逃出;从…漏出;发出  [更多..]



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