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单词 would like 例句大全,用单词would like造句:

A gentleman would like to marry a good girl.
And if you wish, I would like to have you abandon.
I would like to go to cram schools to improve my English ability.
And I would like to do it in such a way that I don't actually have to be able to read the language, because I'm sure I won't be able to.
我会这么做 我并不去阅读它 因为我知道我无法做到
We would like to be able to sweep away those harmful rumors.
I would like to tell you why I have an abiding faith in the legal system.
I would like to request a leave of absence.
I would like to see a show of abstract paintings.
I would like to tell you more abut it.
Many would like to board the mountains, Wang Jin End of the World Acacia color.
There are quite a few things that the panelists would like to see changed in academia and in the field of psychology.
Now I would like to calculate with you the acceleration that a cylinder would obtain.
现在我将和你们一起, 计算圆柱会获得得加速度。
If we accept, we would like you to double the size of your order.
From this day on I would like to be known as the Big Aristotle, ' he said when he accepted his MVP award, ' because it was Aristotle who said excellence is not a singular act but a habit.
I got accepted to a collegiate institute that no one else would like to go.
Returning results as an associative array is useful if you would like dynamic access to column names.
I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to brief you on Chinas accession to WTO and participation in economic globalization.
请利用这一有利条件, 即刻提交订单。
As much as we would like to accommodate you, Miss Roffe.
我们是尽可能地通融迁就你得, 罗菲小姐。
Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation.
Everyone would like to have an accompaniment of sharing swear and woe to go through the whole lifetime
Would like to accompany you to the lateness of the hour
I would like to accompany you to the end of the earth.
Make a list of four things that you would like to accomplish today.
Or accomplish whatever you want to do despite the moment not looking just as you would like it to.
尽管完成你想要做的事, 不要顾忌所谓的最佳时机。
Please select one in accordance with the type of allowance you would like apply.
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单词 would like 释义



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