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单词 even though 例句大全,用单词even though造句:

The search was abandoned when night came, even though the child had not been found.
Even though the revolution of 1932 abolished the absolute monarchy, he holds the title aneknikon samoson sommut, cclaimed by the masses of the people.
Even though, quite frankly, some of your presentations are horrifying, absolutely horrifying.
虽然 老实说 你们有些人做的演讲非常可怕 绝对令人震惊
Even though Abu knows this isnt always the truth.
He didn't utter a single word, even though facing abuse from others.
面对大家的恶声咒骂, 他一声不吭。
He didn't utter a single word, even though facing abuse from others.
She unloaded her abuse on the attendant even though it was not his fault.
她大骂那侍者, 尽管并不是他的错。
Even though I deplore the decision, Ill have to accept it.
Even though I procrastinate, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.
Even though unmetered access is experiencing troubles, many analysts and companies continue to insist that it will be the wave of the future.
Even though you now have access to the image, you haven't done anything with it.
Even though he only gave the thief a ride in his car, the police arrested him for being an accessory to the crime.
Even though I can not do anything for you, to accompany you, with sorrow, with loss.
We will manage to accomplish the task in time even though it is difficult.
How do you explain the fact that even though you were both blind and deaf, you were able to accomplish so much?
你又聋又盲, 你是如何取得如此巨大的成就的?
Michael Jordan can aim accurately even though his opponents adjoins him closely.
Michael Jordan can aim accurately even though his opponents adjoins him closely.
say that he is dishonest, ie I won t actually accuse him of dishonesty, even though I might suspect him of it.
Nina is furious that Jack would have even thought of accusing her.
尼娜十分愤怒, 因为她没想到杰克竟然会对她产生怀疑。
It was a worthwhile attempt even though it failed to achieve its aim.
Lemons are my favorite fruit even though they are very acidic.
虽然柠檬非常酸, 但仍是我最喜欢的水果。
Lemons are my favorite fruit even though they are very acidic.
Even no, even though many of them acknowledge the 100 days an obtrury arbitrary number.
Even no, even though many of them acknowledge the 98 days an obtrury arbitrary number.
Active faith gives for a promise even though it is not yet performed.
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单词 even though 释义

  • 单词释义:即使,纵然;即若;哪怕;即令  [更多..]



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