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单词 Art and Craft 例句大全,用单词Art and Craft造句:

Our company is specialising in manufacturing and exporting different kinds art and crafts, esp.photo album, photo frame, easel, and painting
European Folk Art and Craft Federation
This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium.
今天下午上工艺美术课时, 我们班正在打扫体育馆。
Yantai Risesun Art And Craft Timepiece Co., Ltd.
Then we have Art and Craft, and Physical Education.
We is interested in discuss art and craft business with you.
For art and craft lessons the class is split up into small groups.
上工艺美术课时, 班级分成若干小组。
The design used in the indigenous art and craft of this tribe is unique.
This is flying start that teach the art and craft for west culture.
这里是小飞俱乐部, 我们教授西方得艺术和工艺品。
Ok. Let's make some kites in today's art and craft lesson. Great.
英文例句大全为您提供Art and Craft英文例句大全,Art and Craft英文造句,关于Art and Craft的英语句子,单词Art and Craft怎么造句,Art and Craft英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于Art and Craft,英语单词Art and Craft的句子,单词Art and Craft如何造句,Art and Craft怎么造句等。

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