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单词 such as 例句大全,用单词such as造句:

Insert a picture into a shape, such as a circle.
A seal on a document, such as a letter.
A handle of a tool, such as an ax, a chisel, or a hammer.
A value such as a number a character, or a string of characters.
A berry with a hard rind, such as a cucumber, is called a pepo.
具有坚硬外果皮的浆果, 如黄瓜, 叫做瓠果。
A machine, such as a printer or a disk drive.
A tiny animal, such as a mosquito.
小动物, 如蚊子
A blow with a heavy instrument, such as a stick.
重击用重器械的一击, 例如棍子
A part of a garment, such as a dress, that is gathered into a puff.
A shared portal from a local network into a larger information resource such as a large packetswitched information network or a mainframe computer.
A limb, such as an arm or a leg.
四肢, 如胳膊或腿
a pointed object, such as an ice pick, a goad, or a thorn
尖头物, 如冰戳, 尖棒或荆棘
A handle of a tool, such as an ax, a chisel, or a hammer.
a bill or check, such as one for a meal in a restaurant
帐单, 如餐馆中一顿饭的帐单
a young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf
哺乳动物的幼仔, 如小狗或小狼
A division of a metrical composition,such as a stanza of a poem or hymn.
A male servant, such as a valet.
男侍男仆, 如男侍
Machines for calculating fixed numerical tasks, such as the abacus, have existed since antiquity.
In abandon farmland afforestation, can use soil preparation of channel of hold up fosse, level, dig the measure such as segregation belt.
在弃耕地造林, 可采用撩壕, 水平沟整地, 挖隔离带等措施。
Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.
Look up to the Longtan, such as Abas million Fei Bao Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.
仰望龙潭, 飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天, 蔚为壮观。
Built in 1773, the temple once had an abbot to supervise the monks work, such as chanting scriptures at the Buddhist temples in Changchunyuan.
To correct constipation, chronic cough, such as abdominal pressure to make bigger.
Postoperative complications such as bowel leak age, bleeding, abdominal infection were not experienced.
Place effects, such as Abduct or Baleful Transposition, could also be used to dismount a rider.
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单词 such as 释义

  • 单词释义:像, 例如;譬如;诸如  [更多..]



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