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单词 for example 例句大全,用单词for example造句:

The ability to transcend space and time, for example.
For example, I have almost no ability to filter auditory information.
For example, it can detect the abnormal functions of metal objects in the process of power transmission.
比如在电力传输的过程中, 检测出金属物体等异常的功能。
For example, Aboriginal content and perspectives are included in all curricula.
This time data includes attendance and absence times, availability times, and overtime, for example.
时间数据包括初晴和缺勤时间, 可以用时间, 以及加班时间。
For example, research indicates that ' having the gene for schizophrenia ' means there is a 50 percent risk you 'll develop the disease, rather than absolute certainty.
For example, you could tell me the absolute best, easiest way to program a thermostat.
For example, these tuna that were once so abundant in the North Sea are now effectively gone.
舉例來說,在北海曾經很豐盛的鮪魚 現在已經沒了。
In South Africa, for example, cocaine abuse was rising significantly.
Bungee jumping, for example, covers several academic fields including sports psychology and meteorology.
For example, a trillionvolt beam would require an accelerator 30 kilometers long.
For example, the domain of a basic pager is information access.
For example, they can protect corporate data by preventing through rogue access points.
To use this stanza, for example, you access the portal application and append?
For example, disk data can be accessed directly, instead of sequentially as in a magnetic tpae.
In some lines we can. For example, accessories.
A green card can serve as easily recognizable proof of third party insurance, for example in the case of an accident, when traveling abroad.
It means, for example, we need to work out how to accommodate collaboration and competition simultaneously.
这代表我们必须发想出 如何同时适应合作与竞争
juggle an account, for example, so as to hide a deficit.
For example, your inventory system might talk to the payroll and accounting systems.
Relevant documents will include, for example, financial statements and management accounts.
例如, 相关文件将包括财务报表和管理帐目。
You can use these for accurate monetary calculations, for example.
例如, 可用它进行精确的币值计算。
For example, the accused must report to a police station every day before commencement of the court hearing.
例如在法庭未展开聆讯前, 被告必须每日到警署报到。
For example, fumarase catalyzes the interconversion of malic acid and fumaric acid.
For example, white oak lumber is normally quite acidic in character.
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单词 for example 释义

  • 单词释义:例如, 譬如;拿 ... 来说  [更多..]



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