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单词 than before 例句大全,用单词than before造句:

You will feel happier and more accomplished than before.
Now we have achieved office automation, work efficiency is much higher than before.
After hearing her story, I admired my grandmother more than before.
在听了她的故事之后, 我更加敬佩我的祖母了。
You have adopted a more flexible policy in your work than before.
This unit have become more advanced than before.
Technology is far more advanced than before and a whole generation is working on mobile.
People tend to use telegraph service much less than before owing to more advanced communicative means.
因为信息技术越来越发达, 人们越来越少使用电报业务。
Sell the house than before, in order marketing, advertising director of the airship do.
Investors come from further afield than before, and they have very deep pockets.
投资者相比以前从来自更远的地方, 而且钱包更鼓。
But Americans still spending, albeit less now than before.
但美国人仍在支出, 只是比以前少了而已。
Your mother tells you that the album isn't going to happen, and she clenches her fists even tighter than before.
你母亲告诉你, 专辑不会出了, 她比之前更紧地握紧了拳头。
The plasma total protein and plasma albumin were higher than before the treatment.
而血清总蛋白, 白蛋白均有明显升高
The openness and allowance of the general manager made zhang ever more inspiring than before.
Category of steel that includes electric, alloy, stainless, and tool than beforesteels.
After five minutes Codolphin returned, looking more hot and anxious than before.
五分钟以后, 戈多尔芬回转来, 看上去比刚才更加急不可耐。
The times are developing, and the appearance of our city has become much prettier than before.
Having let down her guard, she now appeared even more stunning than before.
她在放松了戒备的神经以后, 此刻显得光彩袭人。
To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium.
They argue that nowadays traffic is much heavier than before. There is often a traffic jam especially in rush hours.
他们说如今交通比过去拥挤的多, 尤其是在交通高峰期。
With the ever increasing temperature, the land becomes more arid than before.
The atmosphere of the earth becomes thinner and the planet becomes much warmer than before.
大气层越来越稀薄, 地球也变得越来越暧。
At least, no more attention was paid to her than before.
Heyward's attitude had recently become even icier than before.
he is now worse off than before
I feel worse than before.
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