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单词 singing contest 例句大全,用单词singing contest造句:

President Eric attended the 6 th annual Chinese Singing Contest of New York Chinese School.
He will represent our class to sing at the school singing contest.
Did you watch the campus singing contest yesterday evening?
During the singing contest, Mary competed with Helen for the first prize.
在歌咏比赛中, 玛丽与海伦争夺一等奖。
The parade ended with a singing contest.
Mary won first place in the singing contest.
The judges ranked Mary the best in the singing contest.
Would you like to take part in a singing contest? Yes, I'd love to.
She is a person who sings out of key, but she insisted on taking part in the singing contest.
她是个左嗓子, 却非要参加歌唱比赛。
Ruby is a good singer and she once won the singing contest in her university.
鲁比歌唱得很好, 她还得过一次大学的歌唱比赛冠军。
Ruby is a good singer and she once won the singing contest in her university.
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