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单词 human being 例句大全,用单词human being造句:

A baby's not a thing. It's a human being!
Is it a human being or is it a ghost?
kidnap and sell people abduct and traffic human beings
There is no heresy or philosophy so abhorrent to the church as a human being.
There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being.
Plenteous fresh water is the magnitude guarantee of the subsistence and society abidance development of human being.
Empathy is the ability to feel into and identify with the needs of another human being.
A deformity of the back in human beings caused by an abnormal convex curvature of the upper spine.
驼背人类背部得变形, 由脊柱上部不正常得弯曲凸起造成。
In fact, it led to some absolutely horrendous treatment of human beings.
事实上它对人类的平等 造成了非常恶劣的影响
All human beings need insulin to break down food into a form that can be absorbed by the body.
The experience of traveling north to Harbin made Fengzhi realize the absurdity of the existence of human beings.
Human Beings abuse the environment directly and indirectly.
But if financial incentives shape the behaviour of mere mortal human beings, might not they shape the behaviour of academics as well.
Pleasant praise and flatter is an accolade for courage in human being's.
Happiness accompanied by sadness is a complex emotion of human beings.
Two human beings to be set on the earth are with their seat in common, the moon accompanied by the sun is of brightness.
二人土上坐, 一日月边明。
According to ancient Chinese legends, the goddess Nu wa created human beings.
According to Israeli logic, they are not human beings.
The fact remains that human beings do receive accurate knowledge, through sources other than the physical senses.
人类已确能借由肢体感官以外的源头,接收精确知 识。
And in serving our God, and obeying God that is how human beings achieve true happiness.
Never before have expectations been so high about what human beings can achieve with their lifespan.
但同时 人们也从未对自己的短暂一生 有过这么高的期待
No human beings ready to acknowledge the human spirit they share with you.
The injury and menace posed by global climate change to human being has long been acknowledged by the public.
Human beings are not like an acorn which has no choice.
We, human beings as we are, must acquiesce in this state of affairs.
我们, 因为我们只是人, 只好老老实实地安于这种情况。
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