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单词 look down on 例句大全,用单词look down on造句:

The giraffes from Africa are waiting to look down on you.
Look down on the monkey playing truant on a safari oft outh Africa.
Why does Alma look down on Mario just because his family is so poor
I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.
我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气 的男人。
It doesn't matter if people look down on you, you should never belittle yourself.
It doesnt matter if people look down on you, you should never belittle yourself.
From the top of the bus you could look down on people below.
Don't look down on people!
You shouldn't look down on for being young a blaze that feeds on many things, a flame with its blackened trail.
Don't look down on yourself, brave any challenges. Confidence is crucial to success.
Only Gold is in a position to look down on anyone. Sarah Brown.
We have no reason to look down on him. He is a talent but he always hides his light under a bushel.
我们没有理由瞧不起他。他是个天才, 但他总是不露锋芒。
Mom always tells us to do our best not to let those who look down on the same clan.
Conceited people always look down on others.
Don't look down on him. He hasn't tried his best and can still make more contributions.
可别小看他, 他并未用尽全力, 还有馀勇可贾。
to disparageto look down onto set no count on.
Some visitors go inside the statue and climb as high as the crown to look down on the harbor.
有些游客来到雕像内部, 并爬到雕像冠顶俯瞰海港。
They look down on him for his deceit.
Most people look down on satyr, Hen Buneng without prior warning of the dire straits.
Look down on the disabled
We all seem to think that you know, if we look down on the ground, there's nothing there.
我们似乎都认为 地上什么都没有。
to look down one's nose at somebody/ something
小看某人/ 某事
I look down on mean and worthless people.
To have everybody you know literally look down on you?
Everybody look down on their own, but I can not give up!
每个人都看不起自己, 但我不能放弃!
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单词 look down on 释义

  • 单词释义:俯瞰(某处);看不起(某人);轻视  [更多..]



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