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单词 later on 例句大全,用单词later on造句:

Later on huan will finish, they will also shout three call five to accompany to.
已而浣毕, 她们又吆三唤五地结伴而归。
The first was put in the pound, the second was later on somewhat harassed before the councils of war as an accomplice.
车子被没收, 人后来被军事法庭当作同谋犯交付审讯。
And he will later on find himself accountable for the adice.
The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map.
Later on, Lin Biao was added to the Standing Committee.
This service predicts to will open all advertisement trade later on 2009.
I may have to ask for your advice later on.
How can stress early in life affect mood and brain functioning later on?
By comparison, those with longer ring fingers were more likely to be affected by heart troubles later on in life.
And I joined, later on, the youth organization under the African National Congress.
后来,我加入了 非洲国民大会的青年团
Winston's job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones.
温斯顿得改正起先的数字, 叫它们跟后来的数字相符合。
The maximum allowable vibration value shall be fixed later on.
The last paragraph alludes to a sequel, which he later only attempted to write.
在作品的最好一节间接提到了一个结局, 但他从未将之实现。
Later on, he became aloof and silent.
後来, 他变得超然离群, 沈默寡言。
He first went to Canada. Later on he settled in America.
Less satisfactory results may result from severe ocular anomalies or later onset of treatment.
Later on, we decided to name this book Selected Anthology of Web Works.
We can always make up stats in our equipment later on in the game anyway.
But what if later on, Apple ships a lighter, paperbacksize model
苹果会不会开发出更轻便的, 平装书大小的模型呢?
Later on,each American state started to celebrate Arbor Day.
Updated information and arrangement will be delivered to registered participants by email later on.
The verdict was expected later on Thursday, but it did not arrive until about midnight.
We went, later on, to see an artist who created miniature mountain landscapes.
然后我们去了一个艺术家家里, 他专门制作微型山水盆景。
That is a kind of intense emotion later on remaining stay of ashes.
This dark assertion will be illuminatd later on.
这句晦涩得话, 下文将有说明。
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单词 later on 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>以后;嗣后;他日  [更多..]



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