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单词 at home 例句大全,用单词at home造句:

Xiao Li is abjectly obedient at home, as both his wife and daughter can"direct" him.
Then I will able to continue living at home.
Gentleman will be able to learn to rule the country at home.
Welcome the insight privates at home and aboard to negotiate and develop together.
The situation both at home and aborad is in our favour.
My attempts to advance myself at home have been baffled and rendered abortive
Do people travelling far away not miss their parents? Yet parents at home worry more about their absent children.
岂无远道思亲泪, 不及高堂念子心。
Absolutely necessarily medicine chest for pet dog at home
If I were beaten at home, there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it.
Having a kumquat tree at home symbolizes both abundance of wealth and good luck.
Abundant translation scholars at home and caused strong repercussions in the ordinary reader.
Employees suffering from affects of substance abuse don't leave their problems at home.
受吸毒及酗酒所苦的员工, 他们的问题不会只局限于家庭里。
Will I be able to fulfill my academic requirements for my school at home and for any future plans
我是否能完成原学校的学业要求, 并为未来做打算?
Sichuan Journal of Zoology is an academic zoological periodical published both at home and abroad.
A Comparative Study on Major Basic Courses Offered in Academies of Engineering at Home and Abroad
The present situation and development trend of vulcanization accelerator at home and abroad were reviewed.
Internet access at home can be the best, and the other accrued expenses.
I have a slight accident at home and break some crockery.
The leading courses of accidental deaths at home between the aged of 14 and 44 is poisoning.
Accidentally leaving your planner at home causes you to break into a cold sweat.
在家的时候突然中断你的计划, 导致你浑身发冷汗。
A man of wealth was entertaining two guests at home when he accidentally farted.
一个富翁正在家里款待两位客人, 那时他碰巧放了屁。
We'd just finished our meal when John realized he'd accidentally left his checkbook at home.
I can't afford the time to accompany you long. Just make yourself at home when you come.
According to The Lament by Qu Yuan, one can feel at home wherever one goes as long as one can take things as they come.
I feel at home with numbers, so I want to study accounting.
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单词 at home 释义

  • 单词释义:在家;在国内;在家接待客人;精通  [更多..]



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