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单词 tar sand 例句大全,用单词tar sand造句:

Since oil and water do not mix, the ingredients of these tar sands formed an unusual arrangement.
由于水和油互不溶合, 这种油沙的成分别具一格。
Scale Structure and Function of Tatar Sand Boa under Light and Scanning Electron Microscope
Tar sands take lots of energy to process, and therefore entail copious emissions of greenhouse gases.
Alberta tar sands Referred to as the most damaging project on the planet.
that most likely will go east to fuel the expansion of the tar sands.
可能输送到东部 加剧含油砂的扩张。
Canada's tar sands are an oil reserve the size of England.
And we need to all gather together and say no to the tar sands.
我们必须团结一致 向油砂说不
Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food.
And most controversially, it means the tar sands.
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