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单词 cotton goods 例句大全,用单词cotton goods造句:

He travels in cotton goods.
cotton, leather, woollen, etc goods
棉织, 皮革, 毛纺等商品
The cotton goods are hanging there.
They trade mainly in cotton piece goods.
The import of cotton goods went up sharply.
What we ca order from you ow are cotton goods.
The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1986.
在1986年, 棉织品的进口猛增。
We sell our cotton piece goods by yard not by weight.
我们销售棉布是按码计数, 不是按重量计数得。
I specialize in the sale of cotton piece goods. May I act as your agent
我专营棉布买卖, 我可作为你们的代理吗?
If you intend to change the cotton goods, please place the card on the bed.
That country has fallen behind its competitors in the manufacture of cheap cotton goods.
在生产廉价棉织品方面, 那个国家已经落在它的竞争者后面。
We adopt English system not system to indicate the construction of our cotton piece goods.
我们采用英制, 不用公制来表明我棉布的规格。
The country has fallen behind several of its competitors in the manufacture of cheap cotton goods.
在制造廉价棉织品方面, 那个国家已落在几个竞争者的后面。
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