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单词 Yingying 例句大全,用单词Yingying造句:

Hand gentle heart is Yingying a grip warmth.
Yingying, the Tibetan antelope and Nini, the swallow.
莺莺, 藏羚羊和妮妮的燕子。
Yingying is a Tibetan antelope, symbolizing the earth.
迎迎是一只藏羚羊, 它代表着土地。
When Has Cui Yingying Ever Been a Different Race Woman?
Qianshan addition, a bright moon, Yingying snow, static US frost.
Yingying crying, Wenxuan also shocked, and students also talk up.
Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and represents the blessing of health.
Song that fragrance, fragrant snow that the ice, giving a cool Yingying comfort.
Like all antelopes, Yingying is fast and agile and can swiftly run across the earth.
迎迎是一只机敏灵活, 驰骋如飞的藏羚羊。
Yingying is a speedy Tibetan antelope. He is a protected animal which stands for a green Olympics.
迎迎是藏羚羊, 是保护动物, 代表绿色奥运。
Mandrax powder Mandrax Poly, fluttering long, gently Yingying, the land is welldeserved masterpiece!
忽聚忽散, 飘飘长, 轻轻盈盈, 土地是当之无愧的杰作!
The matchmaker's letter-delivery helped bring about the union of the lovers, her mistress Yingying and the student Zhang.

单词 Yingying 释义



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