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单词 session start 例句大全,用单词session start造句:

You can also start a chat session during meetings.
The system cannot start the session in the foreground.
To start a support session, you invoke the builtin AutoFix feature.
要开启支持, 您必须调用自动修复功能。
Cannot start a new logon session with an ID that is already in use.
Mike Mussina, who skipped a start yesterday, threw a bullpen session Friday.
To debug a trigger, you must start your debugging session in a stored procedure.
若要调试触发器, 必须在存储过程中启动调试会话。
Always use a session facade to start a global transaction around the entities used.
After an encouraging start, the negotiations deteriorate into a lengthy haggling session.
The Conference on Disarmament must start substantive work when it resumes its session early next year.
This type of attack is possible because authentication typically is only done at the start of a TCP session.
他三岁时得了天花, 致使双手残疾, 视力减弱。
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