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单词 table row 例句大全,用单词table row造句:

In the first variation, writing a row means inserting a brand new row into the table.
The middle command inserts a row, and the final command shows the contents of the table.
The database server locates relevant rows in the table by first finding the row in the index.
数据库服务器首先通过查找索引中的行, 定位表中的相关行。
Adding or changing rows to a related table if there is no associated row in the primary table.
Rows with different height settings are reset to the row height setting in the table definition.
Is thrown when invoking the following methods to access a row in a table that has no primary key.
You could, for instance, decide to give every second row in the table a different background color.
You must enable row movement on a table in order to perform a flashback table operation on the table.
In Table Designer, click the row selector for the database column you want to define as the primary key.
Inspection of the error table conveniently reveals the source row as well as the problematic coordinate.
Represents the exception that is thrown when you try to access a row in a table that has no primary key.
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