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单词 nipped 例句大全,用单词nipped造句:

I see, said Hesper as she nipped a tattered rose with her thumb and forefinger.
Her plan to go shopping was nipped in the bud when visitors arrived unexpectedly.
He sat down with the air of having nipped some possibly dangerous nonsense in the bud.
The centipede has been nipped by the snake, for guards against the venom proliferation to have the amputation!
蜈蚣被蛇咬了, 为防毒液扩散必须截肢!
Some trees of the tender kind had been nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of orange, purple, and scarlet.
有些娇嫩的树已经被霜染成橙黄, 紫色, 与赤红。

单词 nipped 释义

  • 单词释义:夹( nip的过去式和过去分词 );捏;咬;掐  [更多..]



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