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单词 move document 例句大全,用单词move document造句:

Delete data from the document and move it to the clipboard.
Allows you to move to a specific line number in a document.
Move the caret to the start of the document, extending the selection.
将插入符号移动到文档开头, 扩展选定范围。
Instead, just crank this stuff out, document it heavily, and move on.
Demonstrates common ways to move through text and code in document windows.
Allows you to enter the number of the line in the active document to which you want to move.
Move the pointer to the leftmost corner of the document window, and then drag to draw the table.
将指针移到文档窗口最左边的角, 然后拖动以绘制表格。
The tabletop icon moves motionless, the document copying, the glue are not good, move motionless.
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