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单词 key lock 例句大全,用单词key lock造句:

She eased the key, into the lock, anxious not to wake the family.
Jacket shall have a full length hinged access door with key lock.
外壳应该配置全长铰链监测门, 并附带钥匙。
At that moment he heard Gill's key turning in the lock of the door.
Release cable vault gate lock by special key, open cable vault door.
She walked into the bedroom and he heard her turn the key in the lock.
她走进了卧室, 然后他闻声她在锁子里转动钥匙。
George put his key into the lock of the car, but the key did not work.
乔治把钥匙插到车锁里, 却打不开。
The doors to the cashier's office and vault are now under lock and key.
The part of a key that enters the lock and engages the bolt and tumblers.
Do you feel this is more or less secure than the old fashioned key lock ?
The key the lock was on the belt The foreign adventurers hold back their joy.
But we have discovered another keyhole and another key which can lock the door.
To make doubly sure they would not be disturbed she turned the key in the lock.
她用钥匙开门, 进一步确保不会打扰他们。
She tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted.
她把小小的金钥匙插到锁眼里一试, 不禁大为高兴, 正合适!
In Mr. Dimmesdales secret closet, under lock and key, there was a bloody scourge.
In Mr. Dimmesdale's secret closet, under lock and key, there was a bloody scourge.
In the meantime, the comic book remains under lock and key with the Halland police.
在这期间, 唐老鸭漫画书仍由哈兰警方妥善保管。
Equipped with microcomputer controller safety lock key protecting from mishandling.
Use clippers, forceps, and awls to take the remaining part of the key out of the lock.
A bolt on a lock that is moved by turning the key or knob without activation of a spring.
一种锁闩, 在没有弹簧的作用下, 靠转动钥匙或把手使它移动。
Insert the key in the ignition lock cylinder and turn ignition switch to the On position.
Your public key represents who you will allow inbound access to through your gate or lock.
After the butler had closed the door behind him , the second of a key turning in the lock could be heard.
在男管家关上门后, 传来了钥匙在锁里转动的声音。
And, with a strong effort of both hands, Peter did force the rusty key through the intricacies of the rusty lock.
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单词 key lock 释义

  • 单词释义:键锁; 遥控锁栓装置  [更多..]



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