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单词 key box 例句大全,用单词key box造句:

There was also a key to a p.o.box.
No duplicate for guest safe box key.
The Key to Your Box Is in the Letter
Hot key to activate the main dialog box.
To select a check box, press the Space key.
选择确认框, 按一下空格键。
To clear the check box, press the Space key again.
Offer a postal mail box number and a key for the box.
Key game around with mobile, with the key box to attack.
游戏用左右键移动, 用空格键出击。
Key technology of making top grad bovine hide smooth box.
Key operational direction Guide running, jumping bond box.
操作指南方向键行走, 空格键跳跃。
She has your power of attorney and the key to your safety box.
Key levels used to control the game, with the key box to attack.
游戏用上下左右键控制, 用空格键出击。
This article elaboration key point is white box tests technology.
Precast of box frame is a key process of box bridge construction.
Key levels of mobile games with the spacecraft, with a bullet box key.
游戏用上下左右键移动飞船, 用空格键发射子弹。
This dialog box specifies a new key file with which to sign the assembly.
Select this check box to sign the assembly and create a strongly named key file.
若要签署组件并建立强式名称金钥档, 请选取这个核取方块。
Key move around about fishing and bottom fishing stakes control, the press box Shougan.
To assign a keystroke to the selected button, type the shortcut key combination in the box.
要将键击指派给所选的按钮, 请在框中键入快捷键组合。
There is a tiny input box to write your own note for the word. Push the ENTER key to save it.
Key Closure Construction Techniques for Continuous Box Girder Bridge of the Grand Canal Bridge
The DC power distribution box, as the key part of power distribution system, demands high reliability.
The key of building box bridges is the construction with scaffold lashing and the control of its elevation.
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单词 key box 释义

  • 单词释义:键槽,键联锁机构  [更多..]



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