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单词 knocked out 例句大全,用单词knocked out造句:

The gym has some of the most knocked-out equipment since Vic Tanny.
If a man knock out the teeth of his equal, his teeth be knocked out.
如果一个人挖出了另一个人的眼睛, 他的眼睛也该被挖出来。
The ball hit Bob in the head and knocked him out cold for 10 minutes.
The powerful punch dislodged the attacker's teeth and knocked him out.
Sam was drunk and knocked out his friend who stopped him from drinking.
The stories of his links with the actress had knocked the fun out of him.
Unfortunately, we were knocked out of this competition in the first round.
不幸的是, 本次比赛的第一轮我们就被淘汰了。
The wife was bleeding profusely and several of her teeth had been knocked out.
After three hours of bitter fighting, an entire enemy column was knocked out.
You were knocked out cold, and a head wound coupled with alcohol can be serious.
They knocked out as much as possible the Iraqi Air Force and air defense weaponry.
On the pitch, Iraq was knocked out by Qatar in hugely controversial circumstances.
The match continued until one man was knocked out or lifted a hand to show defeat.
Twelve enemy transport aircraft on the handstand were knocked out by mortar shells.
of the Japanese fund has knocked the bottom out of the natural gas pipeline project.
In the boxing last night the champion knocked his challenger out in the first round.
在昨晚的拳击赛中, 冠军在第一轮中就将挑战者击昏在地。
The boxing champion fooled with his opponent for six rounds and then knocked him out.
The boxer was knocked out in the first round, It took a long time to bring him round.
拳击手在第一轮中被击昏了, 好久才恢复。
Our team got through to the second part of the competition before they were knocked out.
The quake knocked out El salvador's telephone service and electricity for several hours.
Suddenly l felt the wind knocked out of me. l wanted to crawl under the covers and go right to sleep.
After walking on dirt roads for a whole day, he knocked out loads of mud from the soles of his shoes.
He immediatly snatched out his gun and in so doing knocked down his own bowler hat which rolled on the ground.
黑色圆顶硬礼帽跌落在地上, 一霎时还亮出自己的手枪。
A mouse in which a single gene of choice is inactivated or knocked out in a manner that leaves all other genes unaffected.
The wise policeman threw himself at the gangster and knocked him down just as he was pulling out the gun, avoiding injuries and deaths.
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单词 knocked out 释义

  • 单词释义:喝醉;神志不清;被麻醉  [更多..]



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