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单词 kneeling position 例句大全,用单词kneeling position造句:

Start in a kneeling position.
paddling technique in kneeling position
Seiza is a kneeling position where the backside is supported.
正坐就是跪着, 后面有支撑。
The Canadian canoe is propelled by canoeists in a kneeling position.
I collapsed onto the ground, into a kneeling position, my hands cradling my face.
我倒在地上, 半跪着, 我用手捂住了脸, 鼻血流了下来。
Man kneeling position confronts a woman, female waist of double hand push comes female breast.
男子跪姿面对女子, 双手推女腰至女乳。
Shooting positions for the rifle event are standing position, kneeling position and prone position.
步枪项目射击姿势有立姿, 跪姿和卧姿。
300 Clinic observations on correcting the baby position at the corner of birth by moxibustion cooperation with kneeling on knee and chest
英文例句大全为您提供kneeling position英文例句大全,kneeling position英文造句,关于kneeling position的英语句子,单词kneeling position怎么造句,kneeling position英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于kneeling position,英语单词kneeling position的句子,单词kneeling position如何造句,kneeling position怎么造句等。

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