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单词 major system 例句大全,用单词major system造句:

Throughout history, most major laws to change the financial system arose from the cauldron of a crisis.
在历史中, 大多数金融法律的改变都是在经济危机之中。
Examine the quality system of the major suppliers and manage and control the quality of greige fabrics.
This week, the Bush administration proposed major changes to the way the financial system is supervised.
本周, 布什政府提出金融系统监管方式的重要变革。
Major point for developing new type refractories are chemical compounds made from ternary system elements.
There are two major factors in selecting an excitation source that will enhance overall system performance.
有两个主要因素, 选择了励磁电源以增强整体系统性能。
Optimum Matching Major Parameters of Indirect Injection Combustion System by Orthogonal Simulated Calculation
Study on the Comprehensive Education System of Art Design Major in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities
The fuel supply regulator was the major execution module of the comprehensive control system for an aeroengine.
The system of enfeoffment was one of the major measures adopted by the Western Zhou dynasty to consolidate its power.
The Construction of Professional Curriculum System for Undergraduate Who Major in Primary School Education in Higher Pedagogical Education
Yoshizaki concludes that the entire value system of Japanese youth is undergoing major transformation, but the younger generation has not yet found a new organized value system to replace the old.
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