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单词 listeners 例句大全,用单词listeners造句:

The criminal cop killing hiphop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners.
刑警谋杀说唱乐, 赶走百万名听众。
The radio drama was so realistic that it panicked listeners who tuned in after it had begun.
Good listeners really put everything down and focus on the person in front of them, he says.
To make the lyrics chime more with Chinese listeners, 've studied a lot of Chinese literature.
We will be notifying listeners as licensing agreements are established in individual countries.
Many listeners found, and still find, his music hard to follow, lacking a sense of definite melody.
听众们发现他的音乐难以捉摸, 并且毫无旋律感。
One approach that is sometimes suggested for dealing with lapsed listeners is to use weak references.
For all models, an improved headband spring will afford greater comfort for the majority of listeners.
He is good at telling ghost stories, which often make his listeners horror-stricken, every hair erect.
Buddha Shakyamuni used innumerable methods to correspond with the level of attainment of his listeners.
Unassuming, good listeners usually adopt the starfish positionon the back with outstretched arms and legs.
The very first podcast entirely in Penang style Hokkien. No topic restrictions. Suitable for adult listeners.
Good attentive listeners do not rush to make a judgment. Instead, they try to feel what the speaker is feeling.
好的倾听者不急于做出判断, 而是感同身受对方的情感。
Referral pronoun is the kind of words that refer to the person other than the speakers and listeners extensively.
A broadcasting station will sometimes relay to its listeners a programme which it has received from another station.
Hearing them sing for real'is the treat listeners get when they lend an ear to any of the songs featured on the group's debut CD.
With 20 weeks of love, hate, murder and mayhem, one of the world's most magnificent diversions can not be bettered for many radio listeners.

单词 listeners 释义

  • 单词释义:倾听者,收听者( listener的名词复数 );听众  [更多..]



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