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单词 line out 例句大全,用单词line out造句:

There was a silence on the line that Francis waited out with complete confidence.
The act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel.
The farther out the line of the momentum extends the greater the angular momentum.
动量作用线伸展得越远, 角动量就越大。
It turns out that line coverage isn't such a great indicator of test effectiveness.
Criteria is a float out of line to surface level, one must look to the bottom line.
标准是, 漂浮到表面脱节的水平, 我们必须考虑到底线。
You can also use the command line to find out the size for a particular file format.
Carried out quantitative analysis by utilizing crossing line diagram comparison method.
To throw something, especially to throw out a lure or bait at the end of a fishing line.
On the top of the building you can see the continuous line of cars going out of the city.
Carry out the warehouse material counts to ensure the real storage is in line with booking.
To creticize the professor so loudly in front of the whole class, I guess I was out of line.
God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation.
耶和华必将空虚的准16绳, 混沌的线铊, 拉在其上。
In broad out line, Jasper sketched the more prominent features of my first year at university.
Pandora hurried out of her bedroom and started reorganizing the neat line of shoes by the door.
I'm an only child and my parents want me to have children to prevent the family line dying out.
我是独子, 我父母希望我能有孩子以传宗接代。
The commander holding a microphone in hand, announced loudly, to line up and prepare to set out.
A problem in which the line of dendrogram slips out of place in double byte languages was fixed.
Zhang took out needle and line taking a closer look, and finally found a hole behind the needle.
Method of setting out of curve in reconstruction of Longhai railway line aiming at speed increasing
Picture a line that runs from your toes, along your spine and out the top of your head as a laser beam.
He switched the fan on, and as each soapbox passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.
All of you criminals in the cell, form a line and start coming out of the cell with your hands raised in the air.
所有牢里的罪犯听好了, 排成队, 双手高举空中开始走出牢房。
As with any large investment, it can be emotionally difficult to abandon a line of research when it isn't working out.
巨大投资后 对那些失败的尝试 情感上总会难以割舍
When pattern pieces are laid out on plaids or stripes they must be matched at the seam line and corresponding crossmarks.
在格子布或条纹布上排料时, 缝线必须对格对条。
Finding a way out of difficulties for students in learning teachnique of drawing about intersecting line and phase inertial line
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