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单词 pace about 例句大全,用单词pace about造句:

I pace off the wooden bridge and found it was about 100 feet long.
He concealed his excitement and resisted the temptation to get up and pace about.
He is forever talking about the closeness to nature and the gentle pace of living.
However, we are concerned about the pace of the refugee registration process in West Timor.
但是, 我们对西帝汶难民登记进程的发展速度感到关注。
The new feminists are right to be frustrated about the pace of women's progress in business.
If youre concerned about falling, youre probably running at too fast of a pace or too much of an incline.
如果你担心跌倒, 你可能速度太快了或者坡度太陡了。
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