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单词 pumping unit 例句大全,用单词pumping unit造句:

Correction and Testing Mode of Pumping Unit Energy Saver and Solving the Problems in Application
Improvement on energy saving effect of a compound balance beam pumping unit with downward beam balance weight
Solution of Electric Motor Running in Generating State with Variable Frequency Drive System of Beam Pumping Unit
The rod provides a connection on a suckerrod pump between the suckerrod string and the bridle on the pumping unit.
Research on the saving energy effect of a compound balance beam pumping unit of beam balance weight deviated downward
The author describes the design features and working principle of the large swing beam pumping unit for dual bore production.
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单词 pumping unit 释义

  • 单词释义:泵设备,抽油机,水泵机组  [更多..]



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