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单词 Rafer 例句大全,用单词Rafer造句:

Rafer I will vote u to the All Star!
Even the Rafer haters are being silenced.
Rafer is horrible, horrible in fast break.
阿尔斯通是可怕的, 在快攻上很可怕!
Rafer is coming up bigger than TMac in clutch time.
在关键时刻, 斯通比麦迪更有用。
Rafer had a good game, except for some mistakes late.
Thinks Rafer is underrated on the defensive side of things.
Yao schooling manu. Flop Ill take Lucas starting over Rafer anyday.
姚明在教训吉诺比利了, 我在任何时候都接受卢卡斯的首发。
Oh, and Chuck and Rafer taking those DUMB shots down the end did not help.
噢, 海耶斯和拉夫投进那些球, 最后也帮不落我们。
Was good to see Rafer attack the rim and dish the ball off to Yao for the slam.
Still, Houston Rafer Alston said he'd actually prefer to be chasing Kidd on Friday night.
但火箭的阿尔斯通夸口, 他很想星期五晚上会一会基德。

单词 Rafer 释义



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