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单词 profits 例句大全,用单词profits造句:

Do not forget righteousness in face of profits, nor alter the moral principles in face of death
Corporate profits annoyingly robust and plentiful credit has made refinancing sickeningly easy.
The funds used for the share acquisition shall be paid from the aftertax profits of the company.
Profits are lower than originally anticipated due to the delay in the commencement of production.
Nevertheless, in the short term the revival in corporate profits is adding to the sense of recovery.
accounting lunacy that allowed them to extract profits from a decline in the value in their own debt.
You need to move past the basics to achieve greater success, improve profits, and grow your business.
Nor are they allowed to recommend commodities and services to society with the aim of making profits.
The Application of Systematic Orderly Analytics to Distributing Rationally the Profits of Enterprises
What are your thoughts about a company designating a portion of its annual profits for philanthropy ?
The Panel finds that the document does not explain or substantiate the amount of the alleged loss of profits.
Allocating the yuan spent on nitrogen and phosphate to potash would result in yet another increase in profits.
Legal Thinking about Pursuing the Maximum of Enterprice Profits and Containing the Colossal Commercial Profits
Accompanied by the pros and cons of plea bargaining is a system, we should select the profits and avoid the harm.
An economic entity with independent operation, independent accounting and full responsiBility for profits or losses
We may estimate the amount of assessable profits and issue a notice of assessment demanding you to pay Profits Tax.
The distribution of benefits is based on the profits of the contract issuer, lesser, and the party being affiliated.
The enterprise shall be capable of conduction independent accounting and dependently calculating its profits and losses.
能够独立核算, 独立计算盈亏。
Fourth chapter profits from country's the reasonably and so on America, England correlation experiences is adopted by us.
conduct business accounting independently, paying taxes to the state and assuming sole responsibility for profits and losses
独立核算, 国家征税, 自负盈亏
The enterprise's operational method of assuming sole responsibility for its profits or losses is well accepted by the people.
Therefore, manufacturing enterprises that have won the competition can acquire higher economic profits and rapider development.
Espinoza accidentally kills a man who turns out to be a real criminal and inherits his scheme the heist of an armored van carrying casino profits.
Foreign trade dealers shall enjoy full autonomy in their Business operation and be responsible for their own profits and losses in accordance with law.
对外贸易经营者依法自主经营, 自负盈亏。
Foreign trade dealers shall enjoy full autonomy in their business operation and be responsible for their own profits and losses in accordance with law.

单词 profits 释义

  • 单词释义:利润,收益,赢利( profit的名词复数 );益处,得益,好处,裨益;利润率  [更多..]



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