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单词 meat hand 例句大全,用单词meat hand造句:

Take out a meat cleaver and cut off their hand.
Meat hand, as a result of eating with their hands, and named.
手把肉, 因用手拿着吃, 故名。
They also used the fresh fish meat to make fish cake, it is hand made.
鱼滑汤采用新鲜鲛鱼, 搅碎后再使用手工制作而成。
DingNing Hugh aeration, memories of old luo meat hand over to sew pounds.
From the parents, from the standpoint of both the meat back of the hand palm.
Then he puts down the knife and changes his fork to his right hand to pick up the sliced meat.
然后放下刀, 而且将叉子换到右手去拿起成片的肉。
And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob.
He had his hand scalded when frying meat Balls and now the scalds come up in Blisters all over his hand
炸丸子时把手给烫了, 现在手上全是泡
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