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单词 maxed out 例句大全,用单词maxed out造句:

We're maxed out on dopamine.
My shopping spree nearly maxed out my credit card.
My husband has maxed out three credit cards online.
You'd think that would embarrass me but you see, I'm maxed out.
In places like Denmark and Germany, they've maxed out on wind already.
在德国和丹麦 他们主要靠风能发电
Furthermore, your societies have maxed out the resources that keep them afloat.
此外, 你们的社会已经刷爆了你们的资源, 掏空了他们。
My wife maxed out my credit cards at the duty free shop without my knowledge *sigh*
We shopped til we maxed out our duty free allowance on liquor. They probably thought we had some kind of a drinking problem lol
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