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单词 may as well 例句大全,用单词may as well造句:

III. There may well be a religious basis for the wearing of certain items such as turbans or amulets.
Shock and sepsis as well as other metabolic disturbances may also compromise the function of the barrier.
As well as for your livestock and the wild animals in your land. Whatever the land produces may be eaten.
I may as well add here some particulars of the little fellow who excited all this surprise and enjoyment.
我最好在这儿说明, 小家伙让所有人感到吃惊和兴奋。
The maritime administrative agency, as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot.
By the observation of sturdiness, weakness, obesity or emaciation as well as the posture of the movement and stillness, different kinds of diseases may he found out.
A recent study found that daily doses of lycopene, the element that ripens tomatoes and turns them red, may not only prevent prostate cancer but shrink existing tumors as well.
Not only in medicine, but in other professions as well, practitioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences seem avoidable only through deception.
I usually don’t go to the hospital very often, but I’ve decided I should start getting a check-up every year. I may as well put this insurance to use and I also don’t wanna die young :D
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单词 may as well 释义



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