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单词 keep up with 例句大全,用单词keep up with造句:

I wasnt able to keep up with the business, and I ended up with a 25year detour.
这使我不能继续我的生意了, 这一终止, 就是25年的跨度。
oh, please. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You know you cant afford it.
摆脱, 不要跟别人攀比了, 你知道你买不起的。
Money burns a hole in his pocket because he always tries to keep up with Joneses.
Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort to keep up with her work.
With the great responsibility you are about to assume you must keep up your strength.
The moment I stop running to keep up with it, Ill be discarded without a second thought.
一旦我停下追赶的脚步, 我就会被不加考虑地丢弃。
With no wrinkles, wrap back up leg over lock flap. This helps keep bandage from slipping.
将褶皱弄平整, 将绑腿的搭扣扣好。这有助于防止绑腿滑开。
We run from morning to night trying to keep our earning power up with our yearning power.
If that helps the government keep up with their debt repayments,that's all well and good.
But Doodle couldnt keep up with the plan. Once, he collapsed on the ground and began to cry.
But I have continued to keep up with the Industry through conferences and professional journals.
The eagerness of Shanghainese to keep up with the latest in fashion is a big boost to the market.
消费的一大推动力, 是重仪表赶时髦。
In demand of being a party affairs worker, we need to update our idea and keep up with the times.
A tortilla chip maker invests in new bagging equipment to keep up with the trend in downsized bags.
Not while hes charging. Shouldnt your bodyguard be able to keep up with you on the way to a gunfight
Clearly an algorithmic approach will find it difficult if not impossible to keep up with fashion trends.
They have class, they have classy players, we are struggling to keep up with them and stay ahead of them.
他们有实力, 他们有球星, 我们竭尽全力想保持领先。
Sometimes, this works to the detriment of students as they are unable to keep up with all their coursework.
Keep your chin up and you still have a profusion of chances for you to improve your relationships with them.
Barely were we able to keep up with garbage collection during the watermelon season, the sanitation workers complained.
Reason with someone to be tough when hit by something sad, to be brave, to keep up the good work, and to strive for success.
Nokia hopes that the employee can keep up with the variety of the quick rhythm, the increment company competition ability.
Now that the end of the month has come, one final challenge remains how does one keep up the momentum once you start with it.
Great, I woke up with a full blown cold. Sore throat, runny nose and a hacking cough. I need to keep my ass in bed all weekend.
We can't keep up with the demand, ' says salesman Jean-Philippe Perdriger at a Paris branch of the French sport retailer Go Sport.
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单词 keep up with 释义

  • 单词释义:继续做;熟悉;保持联系  [更多..]



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