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单词 here and now 例句大全,用单词here and now造句:

Here and now I alone shed tears.
Now get out of here. And if anyone asks.
现在走吧 如果有人问起
And now you've got to wrap it up and tie it up here.
He was with us in Panama and now he's here in Los Angeles.
The achievement of material advantage in the here and now.
I brought him here, and now my friends accuse him of murder!
And look now, the first African countries here are coming in.
It is here with you and accessible to you right now, at this moment.
And now the angular momentum is rotating like this, is pointing here.
Now here a head of state and royal family and nobles Ambassador guesthouse.
And what you'll see here is that most Africans are now living in democracies.
大家可以看到的是大部分的非洲人 都生活在民主制度中。
I'll advance you the money for it, here and now, just to help you out of a bind.
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A variety of g - forces now come into play - your tries to tell your brain that something isn't quite right here, and moments later the ground suddenly appears from an entirely unexpected angle.
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单词 here and now 释义

  • 单词释义:当前, 此刻;就此;此时此地  [更多..]



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