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单词 internal skin 例句大全,用单词internal skin造句:

Tissue structure observation of internal organs and skin of Whitmania pigra
Treatment dysmenorrhea, adjustment internal secretion, improvement skin color.
A flap of skin was hanging from his body, exposing his spine and internal organs.
有一块皮从他身上垂下来, 露出了脊骨和内脏。
Transposition of internal pedal musculocutaneous flaps for repair of the hindfoot skin defects
The internal fixation using dottingosculation plate for tibia comminuted fracture with tiny skin incision.
Shrink skin pores and promote contraction of blood vessels, promote internal protection and intensively hydrate.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to peel off all the skin, muscles and bones, just to see a few internal organs.
现在我要做的 是剥去皮肤,肌肉和骨头 仅仅观摩内部器官
Favorable for assisting elimination of black spots and treatment of aging skin due to internal secretion disorders.
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