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单词 in preparation 例句大全,用单词in preparation造句:

Application of TCM Preparation register system improve TCM Preparation supply of bulwark in HONGKONG
Study on preparation of the kiwi fruit vinegar in liquid state fermentation and its acetic acid drink
It is possible that California is going to get hit hard, so if you live there, be in preparation.
Preparation and in vitro Transdermal Behavior in Excised Rat Skin of Granisetron Hydrochloride Cataplasm
In addition, the method of preparation, concentration and refining of pectic solution were also surveyed.
Analysis for the Reasons of Accident of Gas Burning Explosion in Preparation Plant and Preventive Measures
The invention discloses the preparation method of the Chinese traditional medicine composition in addition.
本发明同时还公开该中药组合物的制 备方法。
Methods To summarize the application of butyl rubber in our preparation department in the last three years.
Recent research advance in preparation of ultrafine barium carbonate and strontium carbonate is summarized.
In preparation for your Actua Cup campaign you can practice in friendlies and penalty shootout competitions.
A Case Study of Controlling and losing Weight of Woman Judo Athletes in Preparation for the Athens Olympic Games
Abstract The influnence of irradiation on porosity during preparation of porous silicon is studied in this paper.
You should think of danger in time of peace. To think so can lead to preparation and preparation averts calamities.
居安思危, 思则有备, 有备无患。
Affect of extensive reaming for acetabular preparation in THR on bone loss of acetabulum rim and its anteversion change
In those fresh preparation, calcium oxalate in vegetable puree higher than that of fresh vegetable and vegetable juice.
Influence of preparing technology on specific surface area and oil absorption value in the preparation of precipitated silica
Draw up the competition plan for the training of athletes in preparation for the 2004 Olympic Games and the 2008 Olympic Games.
The Commission expressed its appreciation for the efforts accomplished by the Working Group in its preparation of the uniform rules.
To start a press campaign on the importance of observing military discipline and military orders in preparation for launching civil war.
In abandon farmland afforestation, can use soil preparation of channel of hold up fosse, level, dig the measure such as segregation belt.
在弃耕地造林, 可采用撩壕, 水平沟整地, 挖隔离带等措施。
This paper reports the preparation results of accelerative and stable reagents used in detecting Hepatitis B Viral labelled s with ELISA.
Preparation of High Efficient Activated White Clay Used in Decolourization of Vegetable Oil and Improvement of Test Method for Decolouring Effect
Adults are busy putting scrolls of cloth in preparation for a sacrifice, but the children are still playing. They probably don't know what has happened.
Investigate into of effective constituent transference of Herba Ephedrae and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis in preparation course of Shujin Kechuan capsule
A Clinical Study on Bone Regeneration Effectiveness of Autogenous Bone Particles Harvested in Implant Socket Preparation with Drills in Dental Implant Surgery
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