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We deplore the violence that has affected several countries in the Middle East, in particular Lebanon.
The environment bureau in particular has been accused of trying to buy off critics with its cash award.
His workmen, in particular, adored him, and he endured this adoration with a sort of melancholy gravity
In particular, children who might be affected by measles owing to other diseases need to be inoculated.
Foreign private businessmen in particular shall not be allowed to have a hand in this line of business.
In particular, the cadres at the various levels do not have the requisite ability to command and manage.
特别是各级干部的指挥, 管理能力弱。
The Europeans, in particular, long for the Asians to share in the adjustment to the weakening US dollar.
The world in general, and friends and buds in particular, all try to be a matchmaker for the single man.
In particular, we want to reiterate support for Africa's request for two seats in the permanent category.
Humanity along with the slave race in particular was utilized to construct the matrixes along with nature.
This concerns in particular business support services, such as communication, advertising and distribution.
When the pretage placenta merge implants the placenta in particular, the massive hemorrhage, cannot appease.
尤其是前置胎盘合并植入胎盘, 大出血时, 更不能姑息。
In particular, it gives a characterization of closed totally geodesic hypersurfaces in such an ambient space.
特别地, 得到了这类流形中闭全测地超曲面得一个刻画。
It is the slight sweetness of this wine that makes it the perfect accompaniment to Asian cuisine in particular.
酒中微甜的口感, 是亚洲美食的完美伴侣。
The invention relates to an appliance for contraception, in particular to an appliance for ligating an oviduct.
She also asked for statistics on the number of forced marriages, in particular involving Indian and African women.
The utility model relates to a bolt, in particular to a corrosion resistant fiber bolt, and is in solid structure.
We are interested in elliptical galaxies acting as lenses, in particular, those with dispersion velocity measurement.
我们对椭圆星系透镜有兴趣, 尤其是有速度测量的。
In particular, the costs and benefits of reducing emissions from coal burning have been addressed in some detail in this report.
The dust removal centrifugal blower applies in particular in the farm machinery in the grain processing industry extremely widely.
besides, in occasion of requiring insulation or magnetism isolation, the utility model promises good safety property in particular.
特别是在需要绝缘或绝磁的场合, 安全性好。
Young people are the cream of the nation,and the progressive ones in particular are our most precious asset in the War of Resistance.
Young people are the cream of the nation, and the progressive ones in particular are our most precious asset in the War of Resistance.
In particular, they argued, investigations should be carried out in confidence and innocence should be presumed until guilt was proven.
Born in Tuscany, Benigni began his career by doing improvised sketches in particular during events organised by the Italian Communist Party, which he has steadfastly supported.
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