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单词 in practice 例句大全,用单词in practice造句:

Application of Boron should adapt to the environment and plant development stages in practice.
Lakers Forward Ronny Turiaf suffered a moderate sprain to his left ankle in practice Thursday.
屠夫在周四的训练中, 左脚踝有中度的扭伤。
This paper relates to the manufacture of an adhesive for shoemaking and its effect in practice.
In this phrase, Zhao established his authority in the revolutionaries in GuangDong in practice.
In chapter 2,the author summarizes the problems of Chinese land requisition hearing in practice.
It was proven to be of good performances of catabatic corrosion and scale prevention in practice.
In chapter 2, the author summarizes the problems of Chinese land requisition hearing in practice.
第二章, 概括我国土地征用听证在实践中存在得问题。
In the end, centrifugal compressor operation and control in practice running has been introduced.
The teaching of plane analytical geometry is short of the suitable courseware resources in practice.
Renovation of Domestic Small Coal Dewatering Centrifuge for Recovering Coarse Coal Slime in Practice
In practice, inveigling investigation is a kind of investigation action which is adopted extensively.
In practice, there are two attitudes to the relationship between Navy technology and ocean authority.
在实践中, 关于海军技术和海权的关系上也存在两种态度。
In practice, blind tables are best suited for figure labels and table headings rather than section titles.
In practice, the remitting bank will make the following addition checks before it sends the documents abroad
The development condition and the problems in practice of Naphthalene series superplasticizer were also analysed.
He sung the song in public just after he had learned it, he is good at applying newly acquired skills in practice.
Thoughts of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Practice and the Applicable Philosophy in Selective Sufferer to Treatment
The resources allocated to development assistance were much smaller in practice owing to arrears in debt servicing.
由于拖欠偿债, 分配给发展援助的资源实际上少多了。
Not only government, but also the industry, the academia and even the consumers are the principal parts in practice.
毕竟产业界, 术界, 包括消费者也是循环经济建设的主体。
In practice, however, a missiles length is usually limited by the payload space available in the aircraft that delivers it.
In our country, the phenomenon of the arbitration in judicature and the impartiality in judicial practice are not unpopular.
Discussions on contradictions between current financial regulations and accounting method in practice of public institutions
The article stresses less on assimilation than on alienation so as to get twice the result with half the effort in practice.
This is an inexorable law governing social advancement. We must adapt ourselves to the progress of practice and test all things in practice.
我们一定要适应实践的发展, 以实践来检验一切。
Application of High Frequency Vibration Screen in Recovery of Coarse Coal Slime Instead of Solid Bowl Centrifuge in Practice at Dongqn Colliery Washery
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单词 in practice 释义

  • 单词释义:在实践中;在不断练习中; 熟练的;开业  [更多..]



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