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单词 in point of 例句大全,用单词in point of造句:

At this point orchid exhibit in light of, partial orchid peddles the behavior that peddle a holiday very abominable.
就此届兰展来看, 部分兰贩贩假行为十分恶劣。
Selecting the blood sample taking point for accuracy test of Hematoglobin among the several body parts in common used
There is a slight difference between the change in indicator color and the actual equivalence point of the titration.
The estimation using a value associated with a point of a currently frame as a denominator in a predetermined formula.
Application of Point Relaxation Method into Solving Simultaneous linear Equations in Condition and Parameter Adjustment
Clinical Research of Transcurtaneons Heparin Injection in the Point of Lungs for Adjunctive Tveatment of Children Pheumonia
The Observation of Clinical Curative Effect of Treating Bursitis in Shoulder with Acupuncture by Pricking Shoulder Pain Point
Increase of Cu concentration will generate an increase in melting point of the alloy and increase of viscosity of the solder.
In this paper, we discussed the method on surveying the interrupted point and length of concentric cable by alternating bridge.
Cervical Spondylosis Treated by the Method of Fluid Injection on Jiaji Point in Combination with Chinese Medicine Administration
Wide View of Acupuncture Point Baihui and Its Interfering in Clinical Mechanism of Cervical Spondylosis of Vertebral Artery Type
METHODS The synthesis method of exceeding terminal point was adopted to reduce the content of dihydroxyethylrutin in the product.
Grow seedlings recommends basin of use acupuncture point or grow seedlings of grow seedlings basin, do not sow directly in the ground.
育苗推荐使用穴盆或育苗盆育苗, 不要直接播在地里。
An Explanation on the Rationality of Modernization Should be Taken as New Academic Growth Point in Philosophy of Science and Technology
Debate in the house of commons on a motion to adjourn the sit, used by backbench mps to raise point of particular interest to themselves.
In insurance, alleged be or get out of danger, it is to point to produced insurance accident, it is the necessary premise of manage compensate.
保险中, 所谓出险, 是指发生了保险事故, 它是理赔的必要前提。
Technology of organic Rankine circle with low boiling point working medium for waste heat utilization system without additional fuel in cement plant
Insisting on the aesthetic view point of taking evilness for beauty, Baudelaire pointed out that there was beauty in ugliness and evilness meant beauty.
In addition, you can download information from a list of restaurants, hotels and tourist spots on the network's 'point of interest' feature, a handy database that will be continually expanded.
The strength of yarns is due, in part, to the amount of twist that has been imparted. Strong yarns require considerable twist. However, beyond an optimum point additional twist will cause yarns to kink and finally to lose strength.
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单词 in point of 释义

  • 单词释义:关于, 就…而论  [更多..]



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