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单词 on or before 例句大全,用单词on or before造句:

On or before due date
Please donate on or before August 31, 2007.Thanks.
Put your coat on before you go our or youll catch cold.
穿上外套再出去, 不然你会感冒的。
Booking must be made and settled on or before 26 Feb 2009.
Audition time will be notified by mail on or before 22 August.
Before you spend money on a perm or colour, talk to your hairdresser.
在花钱烫发或染发前, 先咨询一下你的美发师。
Advertising copy must be delivered on or before closing date as designated.
Please return to Personnel Office by campus mail on or before 12 January 2005.
A stand on which a corpse or a coffin containing a corpse is placed before burial.
Dont watch thrillers or action movies on TV before going to bed or falling asleep.
Tax should be paid on or before due date as stipulated in the notice of assessment.
Refreshments are available before or after competition depending on the time of events.
When you scan your environment focus on the next two or three block before and behind you.
Before paper was invented, perhaps they used red cloth or painted on some red pigment instead.
Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation
在他就职之前, 他应宣誓或誓愿如下
The voucher must bear an authorized stamp and should be used before or on the expiry date shown.
此券需有授权印章, 并在有效期内使用方可生效。
Wheather it is going to bed on time, or finish your homework, think before you start complaining.
If you are interested, please fill out and submit this eapplication form on or before 23 Apr 2009.
如有兴趣, 请于2009年4月23日前填写及提交此电子表格。
If you are interested, please fill out and submit this eapplication form on or before 23 Apr 2010.
如有兴趣, 请于2010年4月23日或前填写及提交此电子表格。
At present, Iran and west arguing on core problem do not divide out a success or failure as before.
You can go there before or after class to search for information or work on individual assignments.
NO.27.BOH abbreviation for Beginning On Handthe amount of an item before any item are ordered or received.
Before going on your beach holiday, you must diet yourself meat and ice cream, or you won't fit into your swimming suit.
Invoke the file from a command line, or click it depending on your operating system. The script putters around for a while before outputting something like this
英文例句大全为您提供on or before英文例句大全,on or before英文造句,关于on or before的英语句子,单词on or before怎么造句,on or before英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于on or before,英语单词on or before的句子,单词on or before如何造句,on or before怎么造句等。

单词 on or before 释义

  • 单词释义:截至;在或在…以前  [更多..]



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