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单词 Ocean Side 例句大全,用单词Ocean Side造句:

We were blown on our side in the Southern Ocean.
Situated beyond or on the other side of the ocean.
Leaving on a boat for beyond the other side of the ocean.
The movement of events then shifted to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
We walked out towards the ocean, looking back at Esmeralda Bay from the other side.
我们朝大海走去, 从另外一侧回望艾斯么拉达海湾。
Keelung Harbor is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the ocean on one side.
基隆港三面环山, 一面临海, 为台湾三大国际港之一。
Fortunately, my husband was willing to give up living by the ocean for our shared vision of a little house on the side of a hill.
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