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单词 not all there 例句大全,用单词not all there造句:

He's not all there.
Don't care about him, he is not all there!
Rex, I'm not going. That's all there is to it.
Is there rivalry between us ?No, no. Not at all.
我们有隙?不, 一点都没有。
So we do not expect at all to find a cave there.
I stayed there all night, but I could not think clearly.
No, it's not annoying at all. I got a car. I can drive there.
There are other alternatives, and not all of them are compatible.
它们还可以做出其他选择, 并不是所有的选择都能彼此包容。
Even if there are a lot of difficulties, I will not be at all afraid.
They have all awakened early, and there is not enough food to go around.
Ms. GRAY If its not there on all the pictures, then it starts to blink.
There were still two left in the basket, and why he did not take them all?
筐里还剩两个, 不知他为什么没有拿。
Of all these tea sets, there's not one that I consider worth a second look.
这些茶具, 我一套也瞧不上眼。
There's not enough veggies at all. French fries are considered a vegetable.
My average is not high, but I put in my best effort that's all there is to it.
There is energy working around us all the time whether we are aware of it or not.
Does not this comprehend all,in fact, and what is there left to desire beyond it?
Does not this comprehend all, in fact, and what is there left to desire beyond it?
得确,难道那样不已经十全十美,还有什么可奢求得 呢
But mainstream investors are absolutely not there at all, with the exception of the UK.
但主流投资者绝对还未入场, 除了英国的。
In other words, then, there would not be a summary by the Chair for this Meeting at all.
也就是说, 本次会议将不再产生由主席撰写的总结。
Arrange this time of not good, there is no a whole time, all zero zero spread the loose.
I love Africa. There, it's not strange seeing big scaring lions walking all along the road.
Initially, all we did was autograph it. Some people were disappointed there was not poetry.
Harmonious society does not mean there is no contradiction or conflict of interests at all.
和谐社会不是一个没有矛盾, 没有利益冲突的社会。
Now, how can it be that there are all those changes going on, and that we're not aware of them?
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单词 not all there 释义

  • 单词释义:某个人的行为表现很奇怪,或者是很傻。  [更多..]



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