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单词 no value 例句大全,用单词no value造句:

An internal certificate has no usable value to a receiving application.
No more Block Value on gear. Existing Block Value becomes Block Rating.
But it did not mean there was no value in Dickens critic on the prison.
There is no doubt that a brand has an important value for an enterprise.
No system of disclosing the fair value of complex securities is perfect.
Unique value can only be created by professionalism, gamble has no future.
唯有专业才能创造独特价值, 投机没有未来!
There's no documented evidence it had any value the intelligence community.
Armour is of no value against them.They function as lances in all respects.
装甲对它们完全无效, 在各方面, 它们表现的都和骑枪一样。
The current practice of industrial added value is no corresponding increase.
There is no better example of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics.
Consequently, changing the value of one variable has no effect on the other.
因此, 更改一种变量的值对另一种变量不会产生影响。
The other995 visitors end up as lost visitors, of no value to the affiliate.
No adjustment should be made where the unguaranteed residual value increases.
未担保余值增加的, 不作调整。
Absolutely not. At no time did we stipulate the nutritional value of our food.
Photographs For Exhibition Only. To be returned to sender, No Commercial Value.
国际摄影展览之照片, 展毕退还原作者, 无商业价值。
You'll have no conception of the value of your prize until you draw close to it.
Domain names do have high value, but no one can say exactly how much it could be.
域名的价值很高, 但有多高恐怕没有人能够回答。
The QTS Scheme consumer leaflet has no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash.
优质旅游服务计划小册子并无现金价值, 不能兑换现金。
This value will be collected from a scrolling text box, with no length restrictions.
将从滚动文本框收集该值, 没有长度限制。
Moscow was full of paper money, genuine and counterfeit, and the notes had no value.
The return value is always the same arbitrary value, and has no special significance.
Again Christ reiterated the truth that the sacrifices were in themselves of no value.
Image examinations have value in diagnosis of splenic tuberculosis but no specificity.
Simplify your day by eliminating anything thats no longer of interest or value to you.
If friendship is exploited by craft, it will be of no value as diamonds becomes glass.
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