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单词 no market 例句大全,用单词no market造句:

The market no longer belongs to the west.
No, I'm not even from Jamaica. That's how they market me.
No stock, even the blue chip variety, is immune to a drop in the market.
No statistics are available on the sales of this sliver of the book market.
这本书只是书海中的一粟, 销量并不可知。
Thought the products have been introduced to the market long ago, they attracted no attention.
You've brought your pigs to the wrong market this time. There's no demand at all for cotton fabrics.
Given the poor quality of competing fridges then on the market, Kelon quickly became the country's No. 1 fridge maker.
The stock market is under constant change and no one is able to predict the future. Therefore one must be careful with investments.
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