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单词 no more 例句大全,用单词no more造句:

Perhaps Helen no more believed in these excuse than her adopted daughter did.
也许海伦对这些辩解, 自己也不完全相信, 象她的养女一样。
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man
The nobles of the Han Dynasty used no more living people to accompany the dead.
The American Heart Association advises no more than 3 grams for healthy people.
No more hiding. No more chopping and pruning their emotions, beliefs, and past.
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man.
I think of it as an advertisement embedded in the entertainment, no more or less.
The World Health Organisation advises people to consume no more than 5 g of salt.
No more fighting, No more threats And no more parentteacher conferences with you.
Sir Robert Chiltern The affair to which you allude was no more than a speculation.
A new academic study has suggested that women are inherently no more virtuous than men.
一项新的学术研究表明, 女性在本性上并不比男人更加坚贞。
She is no more able to read Spanish than I am. Neither she nor I am able to read Spanish.
No more skipping classes, no more cramming 3 hours before an exam, I’m a sophomore now.
Haaaaa. I said, this is improvisatori production, no draft, and no more production either.
There are no more carburetors to adjust so we don't have to worry about that anymore either.
The actor is bidden to undress, and wash off his powder and paint; he will be needed no more.
Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories and the time for printing has come.
Therefore thou shalt devour men no more, neither bereave thy nations any more, saith the Lord GOD.
Now, well, no more biceps, no more abs.Hes just another lollipop HK actor with lanky arms and legs.
漂亮, 谦逊得体, 还是很厉害的歌手, 镜头前的他似乎无所不能。
There must be no more issuing of administrative orders regarding the creation and criticism of literature and art.
Give in all night have no the sleep the tediousness oneself seek a footpath for exist, only this and no more just!
在彻夜无眠沉闷中, 给自己找一条生存的小径, 仅此而已!
So Joab blew a trumpet, and all the people stood still, and pursued after Israel no more, neither fought they any more.
于是约押吹角, 众民就站住, 不再追赶以色列人, 也不再打仗了。
Lord of my heart, no more shall there be for me waiting and weeping in corners, no more coyness and sweetness of demeanour.
我心灵的主, 我不再在一隅等待哭泣, 也不再畏怯娇羞。
There are no more than three administrative appeal representatives for each administrative appellant and intervenor appellant.
Household electrical appliance enterprises have such a beautiful idea would rather sell less, no more and no less inventory.
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