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单词 no pay 例句大全,用单词no pay造句:

The problem is, no matter how much tax we pay, it wont get the budget in balance.
No, the best way for me to start is to pay my respects to the gods of creativity.
不!对我来说最好的开始方法 就是尊重创造力的神。
She argued, and not without reason ie reasonably, that no one could afford to pay.
她辩称没人能付得起钱, 这也不无道理。
Pinocchio had no choice but to use a gold piece to pay for himself and his friends.
The two assists this morning, he will no doubt pay for the added weight requirements.
今晨的两个助攻, 无疑为他加薪的要求添上砝码。
Pay no attention to the bleeding heart trendy Lefties led by the odious Gordon Brown.
Switzerland has no sea coast, so it has to pay heavily to buy material over distance.
瑞士没有海岸, 因此, 不得不花重金从很远的地方购买材料。
There is a possibility that no one will want to do this if we don't pay a commission.
I pay no attention to choosing the monetary kind while registering the account number.
If you insist on your demand FOR a pay raise , I shall have no choice but to dismiss you.
如果您坚持要求增加工资, 我就只好辞退您了。
Stress the civilization, improve the greenery, pay attention to safety, no smoking!
The address is No.142 on the 4th Liberation Road. I will definitely pay you a visit someday.
It is hereby agrccd that Party. B shall have no obligation to pay for the costs of such training.
Apple also acknowledged that it had no scientific basis for the amount of tax it was willing to pay.
As a result, tycoons whose remuneration is taken entirely in the form of dividends pay no tax at all.
因此, 薪酬完全为股息形式的大亨们根本不用缴税。
Shop assistant Ok, please pay the cashier. Sometimes, the big calculus has no symptom for a long time.
店员好的, 请您银台结账。较大结石有时长期无症状。
Pay no attention to cutting remarks that others may make about you. Learn to live above such comments.
Changing color directly by thr computer, changing color whenever wherever, no need to pay the extra fees.
Applicant needs to pay for the lunch fee to DA prior to the open water training session or no food will be provided.
Additionally, purchase orders are no longer accepted from schools, which must now pay in full on the day of the tour.
Because he cannot afford to pay his electricity bills, there was no light to illuminate his storefront display of jewels.
因为他支付不起电费, 无法点亮店里珠宝橱柜的照明灯。
The emeritus already personnel before this regulation is executed no longer pay is basic medical treatment insurance premium.
Since the abolishment of agricultural duty, farmers no longer need to pay for money and rice, and their burden has reduced a lot.
No, my wedding corrdinator told me yesterday that bridesmaid and groomsmen pay for their own clothing, and new couple prepare some gifts for them.
I wanna quit my current job. The benefits are awesome and the pay is pretty good, but I don’t wanna work like a dog for the rest of my life. Not saying it’s bad, but it’s just not for me. I no longer want to be a corporate slave.
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